The MedOx Advantage

   Bar Coding of Cylinders
Cylinder tracking is crucial for our business, and most importantly, for our hospital base, as we have incorporated cost centers, fund numbers, and building and room locations into our radically different bar code system.
   Direct Delivery of Cylinders
Hospitals are again the beneficiary of this service, as they can free up their personnel to do the clinical business of their profession, instead of delivering medical, specialty, and portable cryogenic cylinders throughout the institution.
  Order Pad
In this era of the internet and the need for a more cohesive and immediate need for information and data, MedOx has created a web-based platform that many of our computer savvy customers require: an ability to place orders with MedOx over the internet, and receive an immediate e-mail confirmation that their order has been successfully received.
   One-Source Supplier
MedOx can be the sole source for an institution’s needs (medical gases, specialty gases, portable cryogenics, micro-bulk and bulk gases, regulators, manifolds, cyobiological equipment, etc.).
   Dedicated Account Manager
MedOx has not forgotten, and will never forget, the “human touch” of having a technically trained, highly motivated person that is willing to go the extra mile to service the needs of your institution. MedOx account managers are able to work with all manner of personnel, from materials managers to PH.D.’s to M.D.’s to supply chain managers.